Measured Building Survey at Pulteney Weir in Bath - The picturesque horseshoe weir was first built in the 1600s to prevent flooding in the City of Bath. Thankfully no wet feet today just stunning views from one of the properties on Pulteney Bridge. We deliver...
Bath Boules Charity Event 2021
We are delighted to announce our team entry in this year's Bath Boules, a fabulous charity event that brings together local businesses to raise money for a variety of causes in the Bath area. To date, Bath Boules Trust has granted over £650,000 of funds to over 70...
Surveybase Zone of Operation
Suveybase Zone of Operation - from the tip of Cornwall to the edge of Buckinghamshire. We deliver Precision Digital Surveys across the South of the country including Devon, Dorset, Bath, Swindon, Cheltenham, Reading, Oxford, and London right to the Kent coast. We work...
Precision Measured Surveys
Summer surveying you just can't beat it! Take a look at some of our recent on-site Topographical & Measured Building Surveys with swimming pools, our surveyors are enjoying this incredibly busy and sunny surveying period for more than one reason! We deliver...
A look at the latest Elevation Surveys
So far 2021 has delivered some amazing elevation surveys. Take a look at a selection of recent Measured Building Surveys. We have enjoyed an incredible period of business delivering Precision Digital Surveys across the South of the country including Bristol, Reading...
What We Do
Measured Building Surveys
Topographical Surveys
Measured House Survey
Commercial Building Survey