3D Laser Scan Survey On Behalf Of The Welsh Assembly As early investors in 3D surveying technology and pioneers in the development of Scan to Revit we hoped the floodgates would open as we neared the UK Governments 2016 BIM L2 mandate. Now well into 2019 we are...
3D Topographical Survey Model, Apartment Complex, Oxford
Surveybase Limited Delivering on Local Authority Framework
3D Measured Building Survey, Centrale Shopping Mall, Croydon, London
Surveybase Limited are pleased to announce completion of the 3D Laser Scan Survey of the Centrale Shopping Mall in Croydon, South London. This 3D Laser Scan Survey To Revit BIM brief include all elevations and roof geometry. The image illustrates the sheer scale of...
3D Measured Building Survey, Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital, Aylesbury
Surveybase Limited Complete 3D Survey Of Hospital For The NHS
3D Measured Building Survey, Segas House, Croydon, London
3D Laser Scan To Revit Model, Croydon, London, UK Anybody else love the Art Deco period of architecture?. These buildings make wonderful Scan 2 BIM case studies. Respect to Jon and the BIM Team at Surveybase Limited. I never fail to be impressed by your talent....
What We Do
Measured Building Surveys
Topographical Surveys
Measured House Survey
Commercial Building Survey